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HP per Lv 5(d8)
Weapon Proficiency Natural
Armor Proficiency None
Saving Throw Proficiency Fortitude, Reflex, Will
Skill Proficiency select 3
Vitality Point Drake has 30 vitality points.

Charge’s Level HD Armor/Shield Bonus Ability Increase ST Bonus Special
1st 1 2 0 Darkvision,low-light vision,immunities,subtype,feat,link
2nd 2 2 0
3rd 3 4 0 Drake power,feat
4th 4 4 +1 0
5th 5 4 1 size increase,feat
6th 6 6 1
7th 7 6 1 Drake power,feat
8th 8 6 +1 1
9th 9 8 2 size increase,feat
10th 10 8 2
11th 11 8 2 Drake power,faet
12th 12 10 +1 2
13th 13 10 3 Size increase,feat
14th 14 10 3
15th 15 12 3 Drake power,feat
16th 16 12 +1 3
17th 17 12 4 feat
18th 18 14 4
19th 19 14 4 Drake Power,feat
20th 20 14 +1 4

HD: This is the total number of twelve-sided (d12) Hit Dice the drake companion possesses.
Armor/Sheild Bonus:魔法的な加護により、Drake Companionは示されたArmorやShield BonusとStackしない無名BonusをACに加える。
Ability Increase:任意のAbility Scoreを+1する。
ST Bonus: セービングスローに示された値のMagical Bonusを得る。

Link: ChargeはFree Actionを使ってDrake Companionに任意の行動を命令することができる。特に命令しない限り、Drake Companionは現在戦っている相手ないしは主を攻撃している相手を攻撃するか、Total Defenseする。
Darkvision (Ex): The drake has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
Low-Light Vision(Ex): Drakes see twice as far as humans in dim light.
Immunities: Drakes are immune to sleep and paralysis.
Subtype: Each drake has an energy or elemental subtype, either aether, air, cold, earth, fire, or water, and gains a free drake power based on its subtype. When their charges reach 1st level, aether drakes gain magic attacks, air drakes gain glide, earth drakes gain burrow, and water drakes gain swim. When their charges reach 3rd level, fire drakes gain breath weapon (fire) and cold drakes gain breath weapon (cold).
Drake Power: The drake gains a power for which it qualifies from the list of drake powers. Each power can be chosen only once.
Feat: Featを得る。Monster Featは取得不可だが、Multiattackは特別に取って良い。Featの代わりにDrake Powerを取得しても良い。
Size Increase: The drake matures further and advances a size category when the charge reaches 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter(Maximum large size at 13th). Each time this occurs, the drake’s natural armor bonus to its AC increases by 2, its natural attacks increase in damage based on the new size category, and it gains the following ability scores adjustments: Str +4, Dex –2, Con +2. When the drake reaches Medium size, its speed increases from 20 feet to 30 feet. Instead of advances size, you can choose to increase the drake's Strength and Constitution by 2.

Drake Starting Statistics

Size Tiny; Alignment any nongood; Speed 20 ft.; Attack bite (1d3), tail* (1d3); Ability Scores Str 8, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 4, Wis 10, Cha 7; Languages Draconic. *This is a secondary natural attack

Size Damage Dice
Tiny 1d3
Small 1d4
Medium 1d6
Large 1d10

Drake Powers

Drake companions can select from the following drake powers.

Aether Bite: The drake’s bite applies 1-1/2 × its Strength modifier to the damage dealt by its bite attack, and its bite attack deals full damage to incorporeal creatures. To select aether bite, a drake must have the aether subtype and the drake’s charge must be at least 7th level.

Blindsense: The drake gains blindsense out to a range of 10 feet. To select blindsense, a drake must have scent and the drake’s charge must be at least 11th level.

Breath Weapon: The drake chooses acid, cold, electricity, or fire, and gains a breath weapon it can use once per day that fires a glob of the chosen energy up to 60 feet. It deals HDd4 points of damage of the appropriate type in a 10-foot-radius spread (Reflex half; DC = 10 + 1/2 the drake’s Hit Dice + the drake’s Constitution modifier).

Breath Weapon, Greater: The drake’s breath weapon has a 20-foot radius, deals HDd8 points of damage, and can be used five times per day (though it must wait 1d4 rounds between uses). To select this, a drake must have breath weapon and improved breath weapon and its charge must be at least 15th level.

Breath Weapon, Improved: The drake’s breath weapon has a 15-foot radius, deals HDd6 points of damage, and can be used three times per day (though it must wait 1d4 rounds between each use). To select improved breath weapon, a drake must have breath weapon and its charge must be at least 11th level

Burrow: The drake gains a burrow speed of 10 feet.

Burrow, Improved: The drake’s burrow speed improves to 30 feet. To select improved burrow, a drake must have burrow and the earth subtype and its charge must be at least 7th level.

Energy Bite: The drake’s bite deals 1d6 extra points of damage of the same energy type as its breath weapon. To select energy bite, a drake must have breath weapon and the cold or fire subtype and its charge must be at least 7th level.

Flight : The drake gains a fly speed of 40 feet. To select flight, a drake must have glide and its charge must be at least 7th level.

Flight, Greater: The drake’s fly speed improves to 80 feet. To select greater flight, a drake must have glide, flight, improved flight, and the air subtype and its charge must be at least 15th level.

Flight, Improved: The drake’s fly speed improves to 60 feet. To select improved flight, a drake must have glide and flight and its charge must be at least 11th level.

Glide: The drake can slow its fall to 60 feet per round, and it takes no falling damage as long as it can take actions. As it falls, it can take a move action to move up to 30 feet laterally in a straight line, or two move actions to move up to 60 feet laterally in a straight line. The drake can’t gain height while gliding.

Intellect: The drake’s Intelligence score increases by 4.

Keen Mind: The drake’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores each increase by 2. A drake must have intellect to select keen mind.

Magic Attacks: The drake’s attacks count as magic.

Mount: The drake deigns to allow its charge to ride it, as long as she is at least one size category smaller than the drake. While carrying a rider, the drake can’t burrow and it loses the benefits of the highest-level drake power it has from the following list (ordered from highest-level to lowest-level): greater flight, improved flight, flight, or glide. To select mount, a drake must have glide and its charge must be at least 7th level.

Mount, Improved: The drake accepts any rider of the charge’s choice who is at least one size category smaller than the drake (provided the rider remains in the drake’s good graces), and it no longer loses a flight-based drake power when carrying a rider. To select this power, a drake must have glide and mount and its charge must be at least 11th level.

Scent: The drake gains the scent ability.

Swim: The drake gains a 20-foot swim speed.

Swim, Improved: The drake’s swim speed improves to 60 feet. To select improved swim, a drake must have swim and the water subtype and its charge must be at least 7th level.