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 Part 2: Converting Rules


    • PFでは多くの種族はStr/Dex/Conに+2、Int/Wis/Chaに+2、どれかひとつに-2の修正がある。これに合っていない種族は、適当にボーナスやペナルティをつける
    • 存在しないスキルへボーナスがついているものは修正する


  • BABとHit Diceを一致させる(Wizard -> d6, Cleric -> d8, Fighter ->d10)。もとからHit Diceがd12でなければ、d10になることはない。
  • その他の修正は気をつけてやろうね。以下は指針。
    • クラスは各レベルでBABとSaveの成長以外に何らかの能力を手に入れなければならない。
    • Lv20でクールな能力をゲットする。
    • クラスの能力はキャラクターレベルではなくて、クラスレベルに依拠しなければならない。
    • クラスのメイン能力への制限を緩くする(RogueのSneakが例)
    • 新しい能力を加える。既存の能力を消したりしない。能力が得られるレベルを遅らせたりしない。
    • 完成したクラスをPHBのクラスと比べてバランスを見よう。


  • Skillが前提のものは、その必要ランクを-3したり、統合されているものに変えたり。
  • アイテム作成特技は、XPを消費しない。
  • ターン・アンデッドに依拠する特技は、チャネル・ポジティブ・エナジーに依拠。アンデッドを退散させるような特技であれば、前提にTurn UndeadのFeatが加わる。

Gear and Equipment

  • 基本的に変更なしで使える。
  • 鎧は、中装以上の場合ACボーナスを+1する。


  • ポリモルフのルールを使うものは、Polymorph Subschoolを持ち、現在のルールに従う。
  • スキルを参照する呪文は無くなっていないかなどチェック。
  • XPを消費する呪文は、XP×5gpのマテコンを代わりに使う。
  • Permanentなレベルドレインをする呪文は、パーマネントなネガティブレベルを与える。6Lv以下の蘇生呪文は2Negative Levelを与える。8Lv以下の蘇生呪文は1Negative Levelを与える。9Lv呪文のみがペナルティなしで蘇生させる。
  • Immunityを与えるような低レベルのスペルは、セーヴボーナスに変えるべき。
  • 対象を戦闘から完全に除外するような呪文は少なくとも1回はセーヴができるようにしよう。
  • 即死呪文は大ダメージを与える呪文にしよう(Slay Living参照)。

Prestige Classes

  • セーヴが変わるよ(Lv1の+2が無くなるよ)
  • 前提条件、特にスキルのランクは-3。
  • Prestige classesはクラススキルを少ししか与えないべき。クラスのコアコンセプトのスキルに絞り、あとは除外。


トラップは、Listen,Spot,Searchが必要なものは全部Perceptionに変え、Open LockはDisable Deviceにする。

Magic Items

  • スキルに関係するマジックアイテムを変更。
  • マジックアイテム作成にXPコストはかからない。作成のための値段は変わらない。
  • キャラクターの能力値をブーストするアイテムはヘッドバンドか、ベルトにする。例外も可能だが、値段を1.5倍にすること。

Curses, Diseases, and Poisons

  • タイプとセーヴDCは変わらない
  • 効果が発動するまでの時間(Onset time)は、DiseaseはIncubation Periodを使う。通常は1day。毒は、摂取毒は10min、接触毒は1min、呼吸毒と致傷毒は0。
  • Frequency:セーヴしなければならない頻度。基本的に呪いは1/day、病気は1/day、毒は、3.5eで毒が与える最大ダメージに依存。以下の表に従う(切り上げ)。
Max 3.5 Damage Frequency Effect
1--7 Max Damage 1 damage
8--14 Max Damage/2 1d2 damage
15--23 Max Damage/3 1d3 damage
24--35 Max Damage/4 1d4 damage
36+ Max Damage/6 1d6 damage
  • 効果:のろいと病気は変更なし、毒は上記表を利用してダメージを決定。
  • AfflictionにはCure Lineが存在。この回数セーヴすれば回復する。呪いは普通回復しない。病気は2連続セーヴすれば回復、毒はたいてい1回で回復。


  • HDとBABは結びついているので、Monstrous HumanoidとOutsiderは+1hp/HD。Oozeは-1HP/HD、Undeadは-2HP/HD(だが、ChaボーナスをCon代わりにHPとFortの計算に使う。Mindless UndeadでもChaは10になる)
  • コンストラクトのBABはHDと同じになる。
  • CMBとCMDを計算する。Improved Grabを使うモンスターのCMBはGrappleに関して+4される。
  • Fly CreatureはFlyがClass Skillに。
  • エナジードレインはパーマネントネガティヴレベルに。
  • コンストラクト、プラント、アンデッドの多くはSneak AttackやCriticalが利くようになった。エレメンタル、インコ、ウーズはまだImmune。

 Running the Game(訳すのめんどくなった)

There have been a lot of changes between the 3.5 rules and
those used in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Some of
these changes affect entire systems and are
relatively obvious, while others are
quite a bit subtler. If
you are familiar with
the 3.5 rules, it is only
natural that some of these
changes are going to slip
by for a number of
sessions before someone
notices them. For your
first few games, don’t
worry overmuch about
missing these
details, but focus on the big picture changes. To help with this,
the following list goes over some of the larger changes that
have an impact on both sides of the screen.
. One of the first decisions you need to make concerns
the rate of advancement for the group. For a slow game,
the PCs will gain a level after having faced roughly 30
encounters. For a medium game, they will gain a level
after 20 encounters. A fast game (which was the default
for 3.5) allowed the PCs to gain a level after about 13
encounters. This decision determines the XP chart used
by the PCs to gain levels (see page 30) and the treasure
table used to add treasure to encounters (see page 399).
. The changes to the core classes are pretty self evident
from the character’s perspective, but make sure to
incorporate some of them into NPCs and adversaries so
that the players can see what they look like in combat.
Tossing in a fight against an evil cleric with some undead
minions, for example, is a great way to showcase some of
the changes to channel energy.
. The rules for stabilizing unconscious characters have
changed. See page 190 for a summary of these rules.
. Cover has been altered a little bit to include partial cover
(which only grants a +2 AC bonus). See page 196 for more
. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the new combat
maneuver rules (see page 198). These rules really speed
up these actions (such as bull rush, grapple, and trip),
making them easier to use in your game.
. Read up on the new rules for concentration. Casting a
spell on the defensive is a little harder than before, and
this will certainly come into play sooner or later. See
page 206 for more information.
. The polymorph subschool has been added to the
transmutation school. Although not incredibly common,
spells of this school are tricky and should be reviewed.
See page 211 for the subschool description.
. Although a number of spells have been changed, make
sure to review detect magic (page 267), dispel magic
(page 272), greater dispel magic (page 272), magic circle
against evil (page 308), make whole (page 311), mending
(page 312), neutralize poison (page 316), polymorph (page
323), protection from evil (page 327), raise dead (page
329), remove curse (page 332), remove disease (page 332),
summon monster (page 350), and summon nature’s ally
(page 354). Each of these common spells has received
a number of changes that impact the way that the
game is played. You should also take some time to
review any spells that are commonly cast by the PCs
in your group.
. The Pathfinder RPG uses simpler rules for designing
encounters than 3.5. In addition, monsters are now
worth a set amount of experience points. This means
that at the end of the day, all you need to do is total up
the amount of XP and divide that number by the number
of players. Finally, there are some adjustements to the
way treasure is rewarded, depending upon the type of
campaign you are planning to run (slow, medium, or fast
progression). Make sure to familiarize yourself with all
of the information on pages 397--400.
. The rules for traps have changed a little and should be
reviewed. See page 416 for the rules and page 420 for a list
of sample traps.
. The Pathfinder RPG includes a quick system for
generating NPCs. See page 450 for more information.
. The Pathf inder RPG changes certain assumptions
about purchasing magic items. This is an important
change, as it limits the types of items that the PCs can
purchase and means that they will use less common
items during their adventures. Not every PC should
have a ring of protection, cloak of resistance, and belt of
giant strength. The game does not assume that every
PC has such items, so there is no reason to make them
as common as they were in 3.5. The Pathf inder RPG
encourages PCs to use some of the more exotic items
that they f ind during their travels, instead of just
cashing them in to buy the best item for their character
statistically. The rules on page 460 for purchasing
magic items should be reviewed if you allow your PCs
to obtain items in this way.
. Note that magic item creation no longer requires the
crafter to expend XP during creation. The rules do,
however, require a skill check to successfully craft a
magic item. If the roll is failed, the item is wasted, but if
it is failed by 5 or more, a cursed item is created instead.
See page 548 for the rules for creating magic items.
. There have been a number of changes to the special
abilities in Appendix 1 and to the conditions in Appendix
2. As for special abilities, be sure to read up on the changes
to ability score bonuses (page 554); ability score damage
(page 555); aff lictions such as curses (page 556), diseases
(page 557), and poisons (page 557); damage reduction
(page 561); and energy drain and negative levels (page
562). As for conditions, be sure to read up on the broken
condition (page 565), the confused condition (page
566), the grappled condition (page 567), the incorporeal
condition (page 567), the pinned condition (page 568),
and the staggered condition (page 568).
. Finally, remember the first rule: This is your game. If a
particular rule does not fit your group or play style, feel
free to change it or come up with a new rule that works
for you. Talk to your group about the rules to help
identify these issues and to come up with solutions.
You can even share your ideas and questions with the
thousands of other players through our messageboards
at paizo.com.