Ability |
現在値 |
修正値 |
| 初期値
Strength |
7 |
-2 |
7 |
Dexterity |
13 |
1 |
13 |
Constitution |
14 |
2 |
14 |
Intelligence |
16 |
3 |
16 |
Wisdom |
10 |
0 |
10 |
Charisma |
22 |
6 |
+2 Inher / +2 Race / +2 Enh |
16 |
| Saving Throws |
Fortitude |
6 |
3 + 2 + 1 |
Reflex |
8 |
6 + 1 + 1 |
7 |
6 + 0 + 1 |
+1 Resistance (cloak) |
戦闘データ |
Initiative |
1 |
Movement |
30 |
HP |
55 |
8+4+5+4+5+4+5+4 (39) + 2*8 (16) |
AC |
16 |
Flat-Footed |
15 |
Touch |
12 |
+4 Armor +1 Dex +1 Deflection |
3 |
5 - 2 |
15 |
5 - 2 + 1 + 1 |
Attack |
5 |
Dagger +3 melee(1d4-2/19x2/PorS) MWK Shortbow +7 ranged(1d6-2/x3/P/60ft.)
Trait/Feat/Class/Race Ability |
▼Trait - Trustworthy(Dip/Bluff +1) - Shrouded Casting(Enchantment) -- 特定SchoolのみのEschew Material
▼Feat 1: Prodigy(2 Performs) 1r: Skill Focus(Diplomacy) 3: Spellsong 5: Spell Focus(Enchantment) 7: Greater Spell Focus(Enchantment) 8r: Skill Focus(Perform(oratory))
▼Class Ability - Bardic Knowledge +4 - Bardic Performance 14+Cha -- Countersong -- Distraction -- Inspire Courage +2 -- Soothing Performance -- Attract Rats 1d3 - Versatile Performance -- Oratory -> Dip / Motive -- Percussion -> Inti / Handle - Lore Mastery 1/day - Deep Pockets 200gp - Master Scribe +2 - Live to Tell the Tale 1/day - Pathfinding - Animal Friend(Rats / Non-predatory Birds) - Nature's Speaker - Summon Nature's Ally
▼Race Ability - Focused Study - Silver Tongued -- Diplomacy +2、態度を最大3段階まで変えられる |
Spell/Psionic |
Cantrips(DC16) - Detect Magic - Daze(DC+2) - Mending - Resistance - Message - Lullaby(DC+2)
1st(6/day, DC17) - Summon Nature's Ally I - Heightened Awareness - Remove Fear - Charm Person(DC+2) - Expeditious Retreat - Hideous Laughter(DC+2) - Memory Lapse(DC+2) - Restful Sleep
2nd(5/day, DC18) - Summon Nature's Ally II - Unadulterated Loathing(DC+2) - Tongues - Honeyed Tongue - Calm Emotions(DC+2)
装備 |
所持金 |
2938.9gp |
(借金など) |
Head |
Circlet of Persuasion |
Headband |
Headband of Cha +2 |
Eyes |
Shoulder |
Cloak of Resistance +1 |
Neck |
Body |
Chest |
Wrist |
Hands |
Right Ring |
Ring of Protection +1 |
Left Ring |
Belts |
Feet |
Armor |
Mithral Shirt |
Shield |
Weapon 1 |
Dagger |
Weapon 2 |
MWK Shortbow |
■大事なもの MWK Castanets (+2 Perform(percussion)) Perfume Kit(Ultimate Intrigue収録)
■雑多なもの Artisan's Outfit Backpack Belt pouch Lantern, Hooded Waterskin Journal Ink and Inkpen
■家にある Horse, Heavy Wagon Trained Carrier Pigeon |
運搬 |
総重量 |